General Appropriations Act of FY 2017
Dashboard by Function (P.L. 33-185)
Below is a comparison of FY 2015 appropriated and/or authorized levels, FY 2016 appropriated levels, and FY 2017 appropriated levels in P.L. 33-185 delineated by Function. The Functions include:
1. Public Education
2. General Government
3. Protection of Life & Property
4. Public Health
5. Debt Service
6. Judicial Branch
7. Guam Visitors Bureau
8. Individual & Collective Rights
9. Municipal Government
10. Economic Development
11. Community Services
12. Recreation
13. Public Accountability
The organization by functions is similarly fashioned in the manner in which the government-wide audit organizes expenditures by function.
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The amounts displayed below are exclusive to appropriations from the General Fund and Local Special Funds, and do not include Federal Grants in Aid.