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Budget Reporting Requirements

Below you will find links to the mandated reporting requirements of the General and/or Supplemental Appropriations Acts of each fiscal year as well as Guam laws relative to budget information that the Executive Branch is required to submit to the Guam Legislature for increased transparency and accountability in the government.

Pursuant to § 4109(c)(3), Chapter 4, Title 5 of the Guam Code Annotated, the Director of the Bureau of Budget and Management Research (BBMR) in collaboration with the Directors of the Department of Administration (DOA), and the Department of Revenue and Taxation (DRT) is mandated to determine the revenue tracking for every fiscal year based on the actual collections of every preceding month, and prepare a monthly Comparative Revenue and Expenditure Report that compare the budgeted and actual revenues and departmental program appropriations with expenditures and encumbrances which Is due twenty (20) days after the end of each month. Pursuant to § 4109(f), Chapter 4, Title 5 of the Guam Code Annotated, the Directors of the DOA, DRT, and BBMR shall determine whether actual revenues collected for a quarter are consistent with the projected revenues for the fiscal year which is due thirty (30) days after the close of each quarter. Below you will find a link to the Monthly Consolidated Revenue and Expenditure Reports.

Pursuant to § 13109(a)(1), Chapter 13, Title 2 of the Guam Code Annotated, the Director of the BBMR, in collaboration with the Directors of the DOA and the DRT, is mandated to report the revenue tracking for certain Special Revenue Funds to include the Tourist Attraction Fund, Solid Waste Operations Fund, Territorial Educational Facilities Fund, and the Guam Highway Fund for the balance of the fiscal year, based on upon the actual collections of the preceding month, and prepare a comparative statement of actual and projected revenues which is due thirty (30) days after the end of each month. Public Law 32-181 expanded this reporting requirement to the Healthy Futures Fund and the Customs & Quarantine Inspections Services Fund. Below you will find a link to the Monthly Special Revenue Fund Tracking Reports.

Pursuant to each fiscal year General Appropriations Act, the BBMR is mandated to provide a 12-month revenue budget based on the adopted General Fund revenue estimates in the fiscal year Budget Act. Below you will find a link to the submission of these documents by fiscal year.

Section 16, Chapter XIII of Public Law 33-66 (General Appropriations Act of FY 2016) mandates that the Director of the BBMR submit a written Appropriation Allocation Report for all the Executive Line Agencies identifying the amount of the appropriations by AS400 account number, by appropriation type, by appropriation year, by fund code, by agency code, by program code, by object category, and by amount to be submitted on the 15th day of October. Below you will find a link to the Appropriation Allocation Reports that have been required in the previous two (2) General Appropriations Acts.

Section 19, Chapter XIII of Public Law 33-66 (General Appropriations Act of FY 2016) mandates that the Director of the Bureau of Budget and Management Research submit a quarterly report within thirty (30) days after each quarter to the Speaker of I Liheslaturan Guahan of the reserves held on any appropriations in Public Law 33-66, detailed by amount, by AS400 account number. Below you will find a link to the submission of these documents by fiscal year.

General Appropriations Acts of each fiscal year have provided for General Fund Transfer Authority for the Governor of Guam up to fifteen percent (15%) between fiscal year General Fund Executive Branch appropriations provided that notice of each transfer and justification thereof is provided to the Speaker of the Guam Legislature. Below you will find a link to the transfers authorized during each fiscal year.

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Office of Finance and Budget

38th Guam Legislature

I Mina'trentai Ocho na Liheslaturan Guåhan


© 2019-2025 Office of Finance and Budget Guam Legislature

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