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Budget Section

FY 2016 Proposed Staffing Patterns


The Office of Finance and Budget (OFB) has compiled the data taken from numerous PROPOSED staffing patterns as submitted by the agencies that were included in their budget requests for FY 2016 and has provided a searchable function for the public’s use as a public service. The staffing pattern data does not include autonomous agencies that are not required to submit budget requests to the Guam Legislature such as the Guam Power Authority, the Guam Waterworks Authority, the Guam Housing Corporation, the Guam Economic Development Authority, the Guam Housing and Urban Renewal Authority, etc.


The staffing pattern data only includes base salary, overtime (if any), special pay (if any), and increments (if any), and total salary and does not include benefits data. The staffing pattern data was submitted between the months of December 2014 and May 2015 depending on the agency and may not accurately reflect the most current staffing pattern data. The staffing pattern data does not include the Public Defender Service Corporation.


Office of Finance and Budget

38th Guam Legislature

I Mina'trentai Ocho na Liheslaturan Guåhan


© 2019-2025 Office of Finance and Budget Guam Legislature

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